
It's Been a Good Week || Weekly Catch-Up #2

February 02, 2014

Hello everybody! It's week two of this regular chat that i'm starting on my blog (read what happened last week here), and this week has been considerably better than the last!

If you read last week's entry, you'll know that I was concentrating on sending away my folios for art school. On Monday, I sent my final art school portfolio away to Edinburgh Art School. It was such a relief, knowing that it was away! However, I didn't mention last week, that one of my Universities got back to me, and i'm onto the next stage, which involved a design task, and a portfolio, by the end of this month, so i'm a little stressed about that, but obviously over the moon that I made it to this stage!

This week, I made a big mistake. I started watching "Pretty Little Liars". I have been meaning to watch it for ages now, since a couple of my friends have recommended it to me, and since my exams were over, and I had a week off, with nothing better to do, I thought, why not? And it is amazing. I am literally hooked. I've already finished Season 1 (yes, really!) It is really good, although only start watching it if you have time, because after each episode, you keep wanting more, and more, and more, until, before you know it, you've wasted your whole day watching them!

Thursday was by far the most exciting, and best day i've had for a while. I've been a fan of You Me At Six for quite a while ago, and since I got Cavalier Youth, I've had it on repeat, so you can imagine how happy I was when one of my friends managed to get us wristbands for the intimate gig/signing that they were doing in HMV Buchanan Street (in Glasgow). It was such a fab day, we waited out in the cold for an hour and a half, then we were let in, and waited for them to perform. And they were absolutely incredible. Meeting them after, and getting my album signed? That was beyond amazing. They are all genuinely such lovely guys. It was well worth the wait. I highly recommend checking them out if you haven't already. Their new album Cavalier Youth is currently number 1 in the UK, so everyone should buy it, to keep it there. Here are some pictures from the day:

The crowd, i'm in there, somewhere!

taken from You Me At Six's facebook.

My signed album!
On Friday, me and two of my closest friends, Kate and Cara, went round to Cara's house, and we planned out our trip to London in June. I am soooo excited, as London is one of the places i've wanted to visit for as long as I can remember, and i'm finally going! So that was a great day as well.
However, to top off this great week, I actually heard back from another of my Universities (Edinburgh Napier), and they've invited me for an interview for their Graphic Design course. The portfolio and interview sound pretty difficult, making me very nervous, but i'm so unbelievably happy that I made the shortlist of potential candidates!
And that's been my week, it's been pretty great in my opinion, and the thought of going back to school tomorrow, and getting my exam results back, terrifies me a little.
Until next time!

For business enquiries (or if you just fancy a chat!) : erindocherty3@gmail.com

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